Integrated Systems
Schäfer & Flottmann packers offer the perfect solution. Especially for flexible packing arrangements for different packing sizes. Depending on the task at hand, a servo-driven axial system or 4 or 6 axial robots are used. They can be equipped with one or several different gripping or suction cup heads. Individual grouping stations together with rotation and turning equipment allow for a whole host of different product combinations. There are no holds barred when it comes to the secondary packaging either: from cartons and plastic trays to trays and intersection trays – our machines adapt to your needs.
Our integrated machines are extremely compact and fit perfectly into your systems. You can process sensitive or top-heavy products that should ideally not be transported along belts in an especially gentle way with maximum operational safety. Your benefit: Gripper systems remove the products directly from the primary machine and place them in the secondary packaging. We design the integrated machines in close cooperation with the manufacturer of the filling machines, and adapt them to suit your particular requirements.
SFS 325

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Benefits at a glance
- Medium and high-performance sector
- 40 cartons/trays per minute
- Cartons, plastic trays, intersection trays or open trays
- Utmost format flexibility
- Variable layout thanks to modular design
- Low-maintenance and robust construction for high availability of the machines
- Nonrusting materials
- Modular machine control system
- User-friendly with text display and integrated menu navigation
- Service-friendly machine concepts